Our House is a Very Very Very Fine House…


A Quick Guide to Home Brewing


It’s sometimes quite easy for me to take delicious coffee for granted when I’m lucky enough to come to work with it every day. But spending a bit more time at home this year has really renewed my love for a bit of home brewing! Getting a brew on is one of the highlights of the day now, so here’s some of the best tips I’ve found when you’re brewing your beans at home; straight from the barista’s mouth!



Whilst we’re always happy to grind your coffee for you, it’s just a fact that coffee will begin to lose its full flavour relatively soon after grinding. You can get the best results from grinding your beans fresh for every cup that you make.


I used to be guilty of “eyeballing” it when it comes to weighing out my coffee, I’m sorry to say. But no more! Using scales to weigh out your coffee every time gives you the best chance of consistent results between brews. Check out some of our other blog posts for weights/ratios for your favourite brew method.


The temperature of your water can make a huge difference to your flavours! It shouldn’t be any hotter than about 96 degrees, so wait a minute or so after that kettle’s boiled before you start pouring.


And speaking of water, if you’re brewing using a V60, Aeropress, or cafetiere in your kitchen, you’d be surprised at the difference your pouring technique can make! Using a gooseneck kettle can help you control the speed and precision of your pour, helping you to get an even distribution of water across all your coffee grounds for a delicious, consistent flavour.


We always roast in small batches and to order; it means that the coffee you get is super fresh, and you’ll never receive “old” beans from us that have been sitting on a shelf for weeks. We recommend that you use your beans within a month or two to get the best out of them, or if you’re buying ground coffee, within a couple of weeks.


And it should go without saying, but make sure your equipment is nice and clean! You don’t want to be tasting old coffee every time you brew, so be sure to clean your brew method thoroughly after each use. You can find plenty of information about how to care for equipment (such as your moka pot or cafetiere) online. 


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That Woman Will Give It a Try


Take it Easy - A Guide to V60